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EU projects

EU projects

Project name: Strengthening the business capacities of companies through targeted investment in education, program solutions and ICT (project code:

User name: EGIDA SECURITY SOLUTIONS d.o.o. for IT, trade and services

Brief description of the project, its goals and results:
The Project in question can be segmented into 3 main parts, which directly affect the strengthening of business capacities of companies
Applicant in the field of providing forensic findings and analysis and cyber security services. The mentioned 3 segments of the project are
investment in hardware, investment in software and investment in training of employees of the Applicant’s company, which also represents results
of the project. The main goal of the Project is to strengthen the business capacities of companies

Total value of the project: EUR 29,799.40 / HRK 224,523.59

Total eligible costs: EUR 29,799.40 / HRK 224,523.59

EU co-financing of the project: EUR 25,329.49 / HRK 190,845.05

Project implementation period: from May 20, 2022 to December 31, 2023.

Contact person for more information about the Project:
MIROSLAV OVANIN, company director
e-mail address: [email protected]


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